Python packaging
Written on April 3rd , 2021 by Samuel WardDeveloping Python packages
Use virtualenv
. Start by installing. Use pip for this, as installing system-wide Python packages using apt is less portable and up-to-date.
pip install virtualenv
In your project folder:
virtualenv venv
This generates the folder venv for storing the virtual environment. Best add this folder to gitignore.
Activating/deactivating the virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Now all packages installed/uninstalled etc. with pip are placed in the venv folder. By default, the virtual environment does not have access to the site packages.
To keep track of all the installed packages in the environment:
pip freeze > requirements.txt # Capture package requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install package requirements
Now, working on an installed version of your project such that changes are displayed in real-time can be done inside the virtual environment from the package root directory, running:
pip install -e .
Which will install the package in “developer mode” - so long as a
file has been created (see below, alternatively you can specify the path to the directory containing that file instead). Note you still need to restart Python or reload the package. You can uninstall the package you’re working on from the virtual environment using:
pip uninstall some_package
Re-installing in developer mode will then re-install dependencies.
Distributing/installing your package
Use setuptools
. Here you will define a file which allows pip to install your package. If you edit the then you will need to re-install the package.
Unlike with pip freeze
, you will have to manually define the packages in the file (you could automate this process but it’s not recommended, since requirements.txt
are technically doing different things).
Using your Python environment to create a Jupyter kernel
After activating your venv
, you may need to re-install the ipykernel package:
pip install ipykernel
Then use that package to install a new kernel that uses your venv for Jupyter:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv
To see a list of available kernels:
jupyter kernelspec list
To remove a kernel:
jupyter kernelspec uninstall myenv